Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nations next top model home winner

Hey Ya'll,
We have had a strange but amazing week so far, booked some amazing couples, disco danced with our 4 year old and we are doing a week long shoot for WOODPLAY play sets.
And to make it feel extra special I am fighting a cold.

I thought it appropriate to tell you when someone needs a pat on the back, sometimes you just gotta do it, so here it is... (insert patting sound)

As you know Cara had her own studio before we conceived f8 and she was shooting some pretty cool stuff. I cant speak for everyone but for Cara and I, you get a sixth sense for things that we believe offer a talent and a way to make this world a better place.
We have photographed celebrates, non-celebrities, children, people who act like children and interiors to house the bunch of them. Yes, Dwell magazine twice in a 12 month span , but that's another story!

Well wouldn't you know that one of Cara's favorite designers just won the Nations next top model home Susan Tollefson!!
She is a Raleigh resident and we love her!

Not only did Cara shoot her firms photos back in 2005 but she recognized her talent back then and as Su-Su (as we like to call her) put it , "they are still some of the best images she has seen."

-Thanks Su-Su!
We adore you and your designs, so congratulations!
And thank you Cara, for being a kick ass photog!

Below are some of Cara's images shot for the ASID house in Raleigh... Cool right!

-team f8

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