Thursday, September 1, 2011

Drown the Gown 2011 Tulum Mexico

Hey Everyone,
I know this video has been out for a few weeks and yes, I have not been blogging like I should be and promise to do better. However, Jana and Erik were this years DROWN THE GOWN winners and lovely Tulum Mexico was the backdrop.

Tulum was one of the last cities inhabited and built by the Mayans, it was at its height between the 13th and 15th centuries and managed to survive about 70 years after the Spanish began occupying Mexico. Old World diseases brought by the Spanish settlers appear to have been the cause of its demise. There are three major structures of interest at the Tulum site. El Castillo, the Temple of the Frescoes, and the Temple of the Descending God are the three most famous buildings. Among the more spectacular buildings here is the Temple of the Frescoes that included a lower gallery and a smaller second story gallery. The Temple of the Frescoes was used as an observatory for tracking the movements of the sun. Amazing Niched figurines of the Maya “diving god” or Venus deity decorate the facade of the temple. This “diving god” is also depicted in the Temple of the Diving God in the central precinct of the site. Above the entrance in the western wall a stucco figure of the “diving god” is still preserved, giving the temple its name. I highly recommend you add this place to your bucket list. When you do finally get there, be sure to check out the Grand Cenote's as well, But that is another post.

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