Monday, December 8, 2008

Can you melt my heart more please!!!

Hey everyone,

Cara and I have been hard at work tying up loose ends for the season whilst still managing our shoots and trying to keep our date night intact. Least to say we spent Thanksgiving at the Biltmore estate and while there we discussed how much we appreciate not only our friends and families but our community who continue to help us make our dream and vision of f8's abilities stronger each year.

I wanted to share a few images that Cara captured before our trip of Meghan and Brett with their 3 month old bundle of joy Eva. They have been clients since 2005. First as bridal clients and now with the birth of there daughter, we get an intimate peek at there family life.
(best part of our job BTW)

I can recall my first Christmas with my daughter Sophia and I wish Meghan and Brett a day filled with as much joy that I had.

Below are some images that really warmed my heart. Cara and I occasionally look at them just to put smiles on our face.

-Have a safe Holiday!

Cara and Jonathan,
team f8

1 comment:

regina holder said...

so cute! Please let me know the next time you guys are in Asheville. I would love to meet up with you. Luke and Peter speak highly of you! I was on Biltmore on Thanksgiving shooting a big Polish family from Chicago.